Sunday School
We offer Sunday School for kids of all ages! Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am!
New Beginnings
New Beginnings is an ecumenical program designed to provide children in need with new school clothes.
Working closely with the Social Service office, children are selected to participate in "New Beginnings” on the basis of need. The clothing is collected from the participating congregations, boxed and delivered to Social Service office in mid August. Privacy and confidentiality are strictly maintained.
Coordinators from participating congregations are supplied with the ages, sizes and preferences of each child. At this point donations are made and many “shoppers” are found who supply all of the
articles of clothing. Each child is given:
3 shirts, 2 pairs of pants,1 fall jacket,1 package of underwear,1 package of socks,1 $25.00 gift certificate (toward the purchase of a pair of shoes)

Becky's Cupboard and Soup Kitchen
Open every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month from 11:30am - 1pm! Check our calendars for the dates!
The mission of Becky’s Cupboard food pantry is to alleviate food insecurity and hunger within the local communities of Thomaston, Plymouth, Terryville CT and beyond by providing access to nutritious foods, hygiene materials and paper goods for individuals and families in need. We dedicate our time and talents to those that ask for our help and serve our community with compassion, dignity, and respect. We strive to support our neighbors while building a healthier and more stable future.