about us
we're glad you're here!

What should I wear?
Whatever keeps you comfortable. Really! You won't stick out if you're wearing a dress, or a suit and tie. You also won't stick out if you're wearing a t-shirt and jeans. There is no dress code, wear what makes you feel comfortable enough to be with other people, worshipping God together.
When should I arrive?
We recommend arriving at least five to ten minutes before worship begins (10:30 AM). That will give you a chance to make your way inside, grab a worship bulletin, and get settled in.
How long should I plan to spend at Our Savior?
Worship typically lasts one hour. If you have the time and want to get to know some folks, after worship you're welcome to head downstairs to the church hall to enjoy coffee, snacks, and conversation. We would love to welcome you.
Where should I park? Can I walk? Can I ride my bike?
The front of the church is visible from route 6, and the parking lot has plenty of room! The church is also easily accessed by public transportation, (there is a bus stop directly across the street) bicycle, or foot!
Will my young children be welcome?
Yes! The body of Christ includes everyone, that means kids, too! Church isn't church without kid noises, reminding us that they are the church of the future. Children are always welcome at Our Savior!
There is a bathroom (with a changing table) available directly next to the sanctuary. If your little ones are chatty or squirmy and you are uncomfortable, feel free to walk around or do what is best for you and your child. Explain what's going on to them, and if you aren't sure how to explain, ask pastor after worship! Also, activity bags are available for children and we have a kid's corner right in the sanctuary. Just ask an usher.
Is the building/worship accessible to people with physical, emotional, cognitive, and/or developmental differences?
The sanctuary is accessed from the front entrances, and there is an elevator right inside the doors. You can access all three floors of the building using stairs or the lift. If you need assistance prior to, during, or after worship, please inform an usher or pastor and we will be happy to try and accommodate your needs.
our STAFF:

The Rev Rachel Anderson
Becky Moraniec
Parish Administrator

Matt Miskin
Music Director